Monday, January 3, 2011

You Want the Truth? I Can't Handle the Truth!

I try to practice gratitude everday. I learned about it 'the rooms' but I'm learning more about it here, from the wise people who talk about it and reach out to me, even though I'm a stranger. Maybe I'm 'doing it wrong'. (Que the negative self-talk). But it does seem to help others so much, yet I make one step forward, and take 4 back. I'm not sure what to do next, where to find the guidance I need. I read all kinds of theories about self-fufillment and finding happiness and peace within yourself. I know that's what I need to do, because that doesn't come from given to you, not from possessions, and other people don't provide it. Observation proves this. When you struggle with financial probems, it's tempting to think that if you had money, you'd be happy because your problems would be solved. But look how many gifted and wealthy people have taken  their own lives. Yet we see old couples, with almost nothing, and they are happy just to have each other. Yes, I'm pretty sure happiness isn't dependent on your circumstances, but rather life, how live it, how contribute to it, and doing your best to make it a better place by the time you leave it, than when you got here.  I certainly don't feel like I'm doing anything to make the world a better place.

Somehow, knowing this just isn't helping me all that much. I'm not feeling like I'm in a good place now, and its been getting worse. Being housebound most of the time isn't good, and the more I am, the more I find I don't want to go out.  -- it's too much effort now. Staying home and vegging-out is becoming more comfortable. I'm so grateful to those of you who open your hearts, and write so honestly, cuz then I can see that others have these feelings to sometimes, and that helps me get through one more day sometimes. Thank you all, and for those of you struggling also, lets pray 2011 will be a bright new beginning of things to come. Happy New Year!
(some pics of the way 2010 began for me)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, and almost a Year

Happy New Year to anyone who happens to read this. I hope 2011 is a good one for you. I'm hoping for a better one.
The end of the month will mark a year since getting crushed by a car while assisting at a MVA. My life has changed. I am not the same person, and I don't know who I am. I'm hoping I can figure that out relatively early in 2011 and get on with the business of living, not just existing.
Now when I see people I haven't seen in a while they barely hug me, they think I'll break.
My daughter tells my grandchildren not to hug me too hard, if it all, they might hurt Grammy.
My husband hasn't made love to me since the accident for fear I'll break

Those are just some of the concrete changes. The inward ones people don't see, those are the ones that are so hard for me. I don't feel useful anymore. I want to be able to work again, and don't know if I will ever be able to. If I can't, if I can't be useful, why am I taking up space. I'm trying to make sense out this and I can't. And in the end, I didn't even help the woman who rolled her car, whom I stopped to help, because a van hit it before I could do anything and knocked it over onto me. So all I did was create a bigger problem really.

I'm reading lots of blogs, trying to find meaning, and some are very helpful. I'm trying and it's hard. And that's where my 2011 is starting. I wonder how this one will end.